moodle variables


I have been tasked by my team for creating an internal training site.. Currently we are using SCORM packages that can pull session variables such as First name, last name, and email and build URLs with those variables.. I am now trying to convert those scorm packages to h5p since it is a while lot nicer to deal with.. however I was wondering if there is any way to nicely pull those above variables within my new h5p library to have the same functionality?

icc's picture

Do you mean in code or in text fields? 

In code, it's possible to get name and mail from the H5PIntegration.user object. Not sure if this is what you're looking for?

I would preferably like to do it in code.. is there some documentation on the H5PIntegration.user object?

icc's picture

Sadly, no, but I believe it's always set if the user is logged in.