speak the word in other languages


Would it be possible to have the speak the word work with Arabic? Is there a phonetic format that is used?



BV52's picture

Hi Ismael,

Yes speak the words works in Arabic. As far as I know the speak the words is designed to recognize words not phonetics.


Thanks, I tried it but it did not seem to work. Could you give me an example?

BV52's picture

Hi Ismael,

Here's an example. Please make sure tht you are using Chrome. If it doesn't work please post here any errors in the browser console (chtrl+shift+J).


That's great. See how it interpreted the correct answer in the screenshot:


Your correct answer was "marhabaan" and it interpreted my speaking in Arabic, which means that the correct answer should be written in arabic. However, how did you get it to do that? Because if this works, and it's accurate, it is awesome

BV52's picture

Hi Ismael,

Sorry I think I may have removed the answer in Arabic and left the answer in english alphabet. I'm done updating it and tested it (I just discovered I speak decent Arabic). Can you try it again? Also you can download my sample and use it as template :-)
