I lost my "SAVE" button

I have created many interactive videos in the past, but all of a sudden, I no longer get a "SAVE" button on the page when I try to create new content. As I result, I can't SAVE my work. The "Create" button is the only thing on the screen. My plugin is up to date, but only my old project files are working propertly. What can I do?

BV52's picture

Hi d_jacques2,

Thank you for reporting this. In order to give your bug report the best chance of getting answered, please include the following information:

  1. Steps to recreate the bug
  2. Platform you're using: Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle (version number would be helpful as well)
  3. Mobile or Desktop
  4. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. H5P content type version
  7. Screenshots if it's a visual problem
  8. Check if you have errors in the browser console (ctrl+shift+J in chrome)

The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!
