create french json file

Hi. There is no file fr.json for speak-the-words. Can I just translate en.json in French? How many time it's necessary to refresh h5p and make new translation available?



BV52's picture

Hi Serg,

If a language folder doesn't exist yet it has to be added either by one of the core team or by a pull request from someone in the community. Since I can't predict exactly when the folder will be added, so I recommend installing a tool called the H5P command line interface which will allow you to generate language files from the semantics.json file:



How can I add a language folder to FindTheWords-1.4 and other libraries



BV52's picture

Hi abo-ans,

You can find the steps on how to translate H5Ps in this documentation.


thank you very much

There is a  language folder and single en.json file already. Can I just translate it? Could you add the file from Attachment in this forum? How many time it's necessary to refresh h5p and make new translation available?



tim's picture

Hi Serg, you're correct. You'll have to create a new fr.json based on .en.json. It should suffice to translate .en.json just like the other languages. 

After you've done that you'll have to make a pull request to Github. I reccomend reading up on how to do that here:

It's a bit technical but once you get the concept I assure you it's quite easy.

Best regards,


otacke's picture

Hi abo-ans! Hi BV!

I fear it will not be that easy to update this one, because the content type was not created by the H5P core team but contributed by Jithin Thankachan who does not seem to be available for development anymore, cmp.


BV52's picture

Oops you're right!