H5P General queries - With Canvas LMS.
Submitted by mathewreed on Tue, 09/26/2017 - 05:44
Apologies if this is anwered somewhere else, but I had a few questions about the functionality of H5P:
1. Can H5P sync with the Canvas gradebook? Eg: Can a H5P quiz be a gradable item that is seen in the gradebook?
2. How can H5P integrate with Canvas? Can it only link directly to the tool using iframe's, or is it a built in feature with Canvas?
3. Is content based on each account? If we want to share content between accounts, is there an easy way of transferring the content?
Tue, 09/26/2017 - 09:43
I'm not an expert in this, so I'll just point you to some documentation. :)
If there are things that is still not clear after looking at the documentation, feel free to make a comment on this post, and we'll try to figure it out together.
- Tom
Wed, 09/27/2017 - 09:39
Hi Mat,
I looked a little bit further into this.
- Tom
Sun, 05/13/2018 - 20:10
h5p and Canvas Gradebook
Are there any updates to this type of functionality with Canvas? New user (about 6 weeks) and also new to Canvas, but really like the H5P tool. Have also looked within Canvas and found mainly users wishing for that function. Thank you.
Mon, 05/14/2018 - 05:11
Hi sjcounts,H5P.com is on its
Hi sjcounts,
H5P.com is on its beta stages. Once released you should be able to use H5P with Canvas.
Mon, 05/14/2018 - 05:27
Hi BV52,
How aer you sending out comms in regards to this? Is there a way we can be notified when this is available? our institution is keen on having a test.
Mon, 05/14/2018 - 07:16
Hi Mat,You can go to H5P.com
Hi Mat,
You can go to H5P.com to sign up for updates and possibly an invitation to test the beta version.
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 03:56
I've requested an invite to
I've requested an invite to H5P Beta testing and haven't received anything.
What can I do to follow this up and get H5P on our Dev environment?
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 04:10
Hi Mat,It is great that you
Hi Mat,
It is great that you're interested in H5P.com. The list you signed up for on H5P.com were indeed intended to be used to plan H5P.com, but the number of subscribers to that list got much bigger than the core team thought, and too many to be practical for the initial purpose so we've involved a selected number of organizations in the design and testing of H5P.com.
H5P.com is currently in closed beta, with more and more organizations from the list you've signed up to being invited to start using the beta. H5P.com should definitely be open for all organizations during the summer, but probably not for individuals and smaller teams until the autumn. This is mainly because the planned credit card payment feature haven't been implemented yet, and it isn't viable to handle payments manually for smaller teams whereas for organizations there will have to be different contracts and manual steps anyway.
Hopefully you'll get an invitation to start using H5P.com soon. The amount of new users invited every week depends on how smooth the experience for the users already invited have been.
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 05:03
Thanks for the detailed
Thanks for the detailed response.
I should highlight that I'm not working individually, but working for an Australian University which has >20k students. I'm in the tech team looking to add some interactivity to our delivery and H5P has been recommended by several colleagues who have already been using the platform.
We're reviewing multiple platforms to determine the best solution for the lack of in built interactivity within Canvas. The sooner we can gain access to the instance, the sooner we can start to guide our decision to subscribe/purchase software. If there is any way of speeding up this process, that would be greatly appreciated.
Wed, 05/23/2018 - 13:03
Hi @mathewreed, happy to see
Hi @mathewreed, happy to see that you're interested in H5P.com. Your university has got six people on the waitinglist. The first one signed up in September and is next in line. I'll make sure you get a copy of his invite. He will be invited today or tomorrow in the next batch of invites.
Kind regards,
Wed, 05/30/2018 - 11:20
Hi again,You've received an
Hi again,
You've received an invitation now. Looking forward to interact with you regarding H5P.com. We postponed inviting the September signups because of a lot of formalitites(privacy and security questionnaires for instance) we have gone throug with those already invited. We want to make sure we've got the capacity at all times to take care of those who are invited before inviting more.
Thu, 06/17/2021 - 20:06
LTI Canvas integration
Hi - if we post an assessment on our Drupal site, and would like to make the assessment easy for a teacher to integrate into their Canvas LMS -- how would this work? What would we link to?
Fri, 06/18/2021 - 17:55
Hi oballou53,You can sign up
Hi oballou53,
You can sign up for an H5P.com account. Once done you can follow this documentation how to set up the LTI connection for Canvas. With regards to the contents you can follow the steps in this documentation on how to import/export contents.
Fri, 06/25/2021 - 19:10
Follow up
Thanks BV for the answers.
My organization is considering H5P but I want to make sure it meets our needs. See attachment, and confirm that this would be achievable with H5P.

Follow up on the LTI connection. Can you confirm how the teacher would add one of the questions to Canvas?
Would we:
1. Provide a link to the question in Canvas commons, or
2. The teacher needs to install H5P as an app?, or
3. Teacher downloads H5P file and uploads it into Canvas?
PS: Can you refer me to an H5P consultant who would be able to answer other questions I might have?
Fri, 06/25/2021 - 19:29
Hi oballou53,For the follow
Hi oballou53,
For the follow up question it will be number 3. The teacher downloads the file and upload it into Canvas. The process is included in the documentation I provided earlier and can be found in "Part 3: Make sure that it works".
Colors, font, and also the size of the boxes can be customized using Custom CSS features. However, since changing of the CSS can sometimes disrupt layout, these feature is OFF by default. We warn administrators of such potential outcomes before we turn this option ON (upon request).
With regards to analytics this is also available through the Drill Down reports feature.
You can also send an e-mail to [email protected] for additional information.