use h5p content in a course that is going to be sold


I would like to use h5p content on my e-learning platform. Content would be embeded. The courses are going to be sold. In order to be totaly ok with your "use policy" I realy need to make sure I am allowed to use h5p to create content before I start doing so.

Thanks for your answer.


BV52's picture


This is perfectly fine. All H5P contents are liscensed under MIT liscense which allows for commercial use.


thank you very much for your answer.

Have a good day.


Hello, Can I sell H5P files with self-created content? I didn't create this in but with another software.
BV52's picture

Hi Madoor,


In general most of H5P is licensed as MIT, which makes it perfectly viable for commercial use. For more info on licensing see: