unable to view H5P content in moodle


I installed H5P in a 3.5 moodle version and I have no content from any H5P activity. I have an error from the windows debugger saying that no file has been found so ressource cannot be uploaded. 

I have a beta site, same moodle version that works fine. The difference from them is that in the 'prod' site I change the path in the url to point to the moodle path directly. I dont know if that has something to do with that but when I check the variable value for pathname I have /mod/hvp/view.php. I don't know if this variable must point to moodle/mod/hvp/view.php. Since I don't see what else can be I'm just stuck here... any help will be appreciated!





thomasmars's picture

Hi, if the path to your site is example.com/moodle, then the path to H5P must be example.com/moodle/mod/hvp/view.php, otherwise if your Moodle site is on example.com/ then the path to H5P must be example.com/mod/hvp/view.php.
This can be adjusted by the $CFG->wwwroot variable in your config.php settings file in the Moodle directory. You can read more about it in Moodle's documentation: https://docs.moodle.org/35/en/Configuration_file#Setting_.24CFG-.3Ewwwroot_correctly.