Interactive video not loading Safari


I am VERY NEW to H5P so please correct me if this is the wrong forum or I don't give the expected or helpful information. 

  • I have installed the plugin fine on my wordpress site.
  • I created an interactive activity - an image with three hotspots linked to short (30 second) videos uploaded to site
  • Videos are 300 x 220, set to autoplay with controls off
  • Inserted shortcode into post
  • On Mac: Videos load and play fine in Chrome and Opera but not in Safari
  • On iOS: Videos load and play fine in Puffin but not iCab, Safari, Opera Mini or Chrome. 

So I turned off AutoPlay, and set controls to on and it works in all the browsers.

I read that AutoPlay doesn't always work in iOS, but haven't found anything about Safari on Mac.

Is this just something that isn't going to work at this stage so solution is no AutoPlay?

Happy with that but would appreciate any advice. Exploring this with a view to using it in LearnDash LMS in the future.


BV52's picture

Hi djaneb,

This forum is perfectly fine :-)

I am unable to reproduce the issue that you described above. Can you please provide a sample site that we can test as well as the version of the browsers that have the issue.


Thank you. I have put it here ...

It works as expected in Opera 53.0.2907.99 and Chrome 67.0.3396.87

In Safari 11.1.1 (13605.2.8)

Hotspot one loads fine ... Hotspot two doesn't load (setting of autoplay.) ... Hotspot three loads fine - has settings of hotspot 1. 

I have attached settings.

Many thanks for replying.



BV52's picture

Hi Deb,

Thank you for the additional information. I filed a bug report and you can follow the progress here.


Great. Many thanks.