Drop and Drag - drop zones moves by itself

BV52's picture
Hi! I have placed drop zones and images for several tasks and it worked fine. Now I can see that some drop zones have moved by themselves to a wrong position. I have made several attemps to put them back again by moving them and press update button. Still they don't remain in the corrected postion. What has started to go wrong? I am om MacBook Air and it's the same in Safari as in Chrome. Thanks! / Momiji
BV52's picture

Hi Momiji,

In order to give your bug report the best chance of getting answered, please include the following information:

  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)
  2. Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.
  3. Mobile or Desktop
  4. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. H5P content type and version (if a content type was used), and a sample URL or attached H5P.
  7. Any browser console errors
  8. Any PHP errors
  9. Screenshots if it's a visual problem

The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!



1: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen):
I am creating an exercise where to drag an image into a specific drop zone. There 
are three drop zones and images on each task. I made several tasks and it all 
worked well. After about seven tasks I discovered that some of the drop zones
 had moved from the place where I positioned them. Trying to replace them to the
 original location several times, they only went back to the wrong position.
 Everything else functions well.
2: Platform and version number: WordPress,  v. 4.9.6
3: Desktop
4: Browser: Chrome, Safari 
5: H5P v.1.10.2
6: Drag and Drop
7: Only message in Console: JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
8: No errors of the kind shown on that page
9: See attachment - right drop zone has moved by itself. Also on some other drop zones on other tasks but on the same exercise. 


BV52's picture

Hi Momiji,

Would you mind sharing a URL of a sample content (with download button enabled) or attach the file here?


I am on a local version of WP so I can't give you a URL. Can it be done otherwise?

BV52's picture

Hi Momiji,

I am unable to reproduce the issue you described above using a content that I created. You should be able to use the download button at the bottom of the content to download it and attach it in this thread. If the download button is not available you can enable it in the "Display Option" of the content editor.


Is this the file you need?

BV52's picture

Hi Momiji,

Thank you for this. I tried moving the drop zones and I was able to save them a hope in the correct position. I'm not sure what caused this for your side but I did not run into this problem. Does this happen to all your contents?


No. There are just some individual drop zones with that problem. The others are OK. Can I insert your file into the project?

BV52's picture

Hi Momiji,

Yes you can, this is your content anyway I just tried to edit it :-)


I had the same problem anyway. I tested reducing the size of the drop zones and images and that worked fine.

Hi! I have used your plugin on a previous site (WP, theme Adventurous, latest versions) where everything worked fine. However, the second site has a problem. It is a strange element that has appeared at the top and at the bottom. I am in WP (local, latest version) and I have tried other themes and browsers but the result is the same apart from the theme (Adventurous) I used for the first site. See image with arrows, please. Thanks in advance! Best regards, Momiji


otacke's picture

Hi Momiji!
Could you please open the developer console of your browser (usually by pressing F12), try to find the inspector tool (usually a square with a mouse pointer) and use it to check one of these elements? This should provide you with the HTML code associated with the element which might tell a little more about the origin (not sure what in H5P would cause these).


Hi! Here is a screen shot. See the red rectangles for the element at the top. Can't find the code for the lower element. / Momiji

otacke's picture

Hi Momji!

This is outside the H5P iframe, so are you sure the paragraph with the empty code tag is not added by WordPress or one of the theme templates or php scripts?
