Interactive Video not jumping to right timecode on iPad/iPhone

Pixel Spark's picture

Dear H5P,

We are developing an interactive video. It has a series of interaction points where we pause the video and the user has to click on a button or an image to answer a question or go to a certain point in the video.

We are using h5P hosted on Wordpress 4.9.8

iPad iOS 9.3.5

iPhone iOS 11.3.1

These work fine in desktop browsers but are not working as they should do on both iPad and iPhone.

Can you assist or is this a known issue?


BV52's picture

Hi Pixel Spark,

Thank you for reporting this. I am unable to reproduce the issue you mentioned above. Can you please provide additional information to help isolate the issue:

1. Does this happen to all Interavtive videos with similar types of activities?

2. Please provide a sample content or URL that is having the issue. (If URL either the download button is enabled or a note which timecodes should specific choices will go to)


Pixel Spark's picture

Hi, thanks for coming back to me!  I can provide you with the link and the download if you like.  We can't really provide the link publically, can you please provide me with a suitable email address to send it to?



BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

You can send it to through our contact form.

When using the form please place in the subject "Additional information fo" so that it will be easier to connect the e-mail with this post.


Pixel Spark's picture


I've done this, did you receive the file okay?

BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

We've received your e-mail. I'll check this asap and will get back to you once I have something conclusive or if I have additional questions. I'll post it here to make the turnaround time faster since I do not have direct access to the contact form mails.


Pixel Spark's picture

Hi there,

Have you had a chance to look at the file I sent you? We've tried uploading a video directly instead and building from scratch and nothing seems to work.  We really need some assistance on this or we'll have to consider using another piece of software to achieve what we need.

Pixel Spark's picture

Hi there,

Have you had a chance to look at the file I sent you? We've tried uploading a video directly instead and building from scratch and nothing seems to work.  We really need some assistance on this or we'll have to consider using another piece of software to achieve what we need.

BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

I apologize for the delay. I was able to reproduce the problem on your site. I also saw an error through the browser console. However I am unable to reproduce the issue anywhere else. I have forwarded the concern to the core team for additional assistance.


Pixel Spark's picture

Hi Thank you.

I've tried re-creating the interactive video from scratch and have the same results unfirtunately so looking forward to your thoughts!

Pixel Spark's picture


Does this mean that you've taken the hp5 file and uploadewd to another Hp5 instance on another site and the error does not happen?

BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

Yes I uploaded it here in and our Moodle site (private) to see if I will be able to reproduce the issue. I did not see the same issue that I saw from your site. I currently do not have a published site using Wordpress but some members of the core team does.

Note: I have deleted them after running the tests


Pixel Spark's picture

Hi,  Can you please let me know if any other members of the core team have identified the issue?

We really need to solve this.


BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

I apologize for the delay. The core team is in the middle of a major update and will process your concern once we finish the release.


BV52's picture

Hi Jonathan,

I filed a bug report for this and you follow it here.
