Multiple Fill in the blanks in table

I want to create a table or matrix with blank fields where student can write their answer and once the answer is correct student get another table matrix of same question.

How do i create such questions ?

falcon's picture

Currently isn't possible, but noted as a feature request, thanks! :)

I would also really appreciate a content type which allows users fill in the blanks in a table format!

I would also appreciate a feature which allowed users to 'fill in the blanks' within a table format! It would be a useful tool for English grammar exercises.

BV52's picture

Thank you for the input Rhiannon.


I would like to know if there is any way to create a text with fill in blanks that includes dropdown lists for each gap. Can anybody help me?

BV52's picture

Hi Charles,

I'm afraid this is not possible as of the moment. But I think Single Choice Set can be a good substitute.


Regarding this list field, or matrix,I would like to know if there is any software update on this issue, please.

Attached image.

Regards, Juan A.

BV52's picture

Hi Juan,

Which content type are you pertaining to and may I know exactly what update you are looking for?


Hello, thanks for the answer and time.

My question was regarding: Multiple Fill in the blanks in table issue.

In the image attached to my question is the type of content. Hoewer it is text entry in several columns, like a matrix. (Attached again)


BV52's picture

Hi Juan,

Thank you for the clarification. There are no updates on this yet although we're now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


Our institution is a also in need of an H5P tool that would allow students to enter text into a table. Once the student completes the table, filling in all the cells, we need for the student to be able to download the table for the purposes of saving their work. This download could be in the form of a document like the H5P Documentation Tool. This is essential functionality for our institution. Is there any way to get this on the roadmap?
