Submit answers - Interactive video
Submitted by carlesencinas on Wed, 10/17/2018 - 11:53
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to submit the answers everytime someone completes a quiz or activity... I can't reach the answers without the submit screen.
I need to get the "complete" state for my GamiPress
Thu, 10/18/2018 - 02:12
Hi carlesencinas,I'm not sure
Hi carlesencinas,
I'm not sure I follow. But I'll try to explain a bit how the current changes will affect all IVs with graded acitivities. Previously IVs triggers sending the scores when the video has reached to the very end. From the feedback we received some situation may make it hard for this to happen or users closes the video prior to the end of it. The submit screen was then added to have an active way of sending the scores so that users are aware that it has been sent.
I hope this makes it clear how this feature works and if you have further clarifications feel free to post it here.