Copying Moodle courses with H5P content


I sincerely hope that I will be able to explain my question.

I am using H5P in Moodle. I would like to know what happens to the functionality of H5P contents in case we make a copy of a Moodle course which already includes several H5P files. For instance, one Moodle course is used in spring term and then we want to create a copy of that same course for the autumn term so it will be used by different students. 

Mostly I am interested what happens to the links to H5P contents that are attached within the text in Moodle site. Do we have to manually correct the links so that they connect to the copied H5P file or is there an easier way, something that will automatically copy the correct links? 

Or is there a better way to embed/attach different H5P contents within the text other than copy-pasting the link from the browser? 

Thank you :)

Hi there, not sure I've understood. In my experience h5p transfers well. However, if they are in stealth/hidden but available mode, you do indeed need to update the link or the embedding code you have copied from the original h5p. In terms of efficiency, you might find that parts of the url are the same and change only what needs to be changed. That's surprisingly quick albeit repetitive. 

icc's picture

That is correct, maude :-) 
The links should update automatically.