Where does H5P save its content?


Maybe it's a trivial question...

I use H5P in WordPress.

When I upload a video for making an interactive video, in which directory does H5P save it?

For example, if I upload it from url (as YouTube), the video remains in YouToube server or it's saved in a folder of my web site?

Thank you!

falcon's picture


YouTube movie stays on YouTube. The url is stored in the database. Files are saved to wp-content/uploads/h5p/content/[content-id]/

Thank you for your reply!

Britlish's picture

Is there a way to delete content without having to go into the database and the uploaded content files?

fnoks's picture

Content may be deleted by using the "delete"-option present when editing an H5P.

H5P-libraries may be deleted from the library list. In WordPress it is found here: http://www.yourdom.ain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=h5p_libraries