Repetition of message "Video format not supported"


I published with Articulate Sotryline many diagrams with motions in MP4 and their size are in 1or 2 Mo.

I upload these videos in my account on to doing interactive videos. Then I take the embed links for Articulate RISE to see these videos within a RISE course for my learners.

But sometimes and I don't know why whereas my videos can be see in the interactive videos player... the H5P player tell me this message "Video format not supported" and my unique solution is to reupload my MP4 videos.

Yesterday, I have this message and I reupload my videos before. Today I check my RISE course and then again this message appears....

So, can someone could find a solution to my problem please ?

Many thanks for your answers.

Repetition error message "video format not supported"
BV52's picture

Hi Atarantino,

Can you please provide a URL for one or two of your contents that are having the problem.



Sure :

Today these interactive player have the error message (Their videos were reupload yesterday).



I check this morning my H5P files and 2 videos have this message today (reupload yesterday) :



Sure :

This links have this error message today wheras I reupload their videos yesterday.

BV52's picture

Hi Atarantino,

Can you please check if you have any errors in the browser console? If you an error pointing to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) there needs to be some settings to be changed where you are embedding the contents.

Accessibility is very important for H5P, and in order to allow subtitles for external videos we're currently requiring that the servers they are hosted on has an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set that allow / or whatever site you're using access to the video in a cross origin resource sharing manner. We see that many servers used by community members unfortunately does not have this set, and that they are not controlled by the community member either, so we're considering a solution where you can decide to allow such servers, sacrificing accessibility.(i.e. sacrificing subtitles support to use these servers)
