Rights of Use: URL is not clickable

Hello. In H5P.COM:

In Course Presentation, when I want to add an attribution to an image, I click on Edit Copyright. I paste the URL to the source field, and save it. But a user then clicks on the Rights of Use button and the URL is not clickable, not live.

Your example in H5P.ORG shows it can be live. When I import my .com file to my .org account, the link becomes live. How can I make it live in my .com files? 


BV52's picture

Hi Jeff,

H5P.org is the first web site in the world to get new versions of H5P. H5P.com is 2+ weeks behind H5P.org to make sure that any teething problems has been weeded out.

The rights of use clickable website is included in the most recent release. ETA for the update is next week.
