H5P Questionnaire

What does this mean?

"In order to enable H5P Questionnaire on your site you will need to:

  1. Enable LRS dependent content types under H5P Settings (the location of the settings will differ depending on the platform you're using)
  2. Set up a service to process the events (typically an LRS)"

I have added a Questionaire to a Canvas site. How can I see the results?

BV52's picture

Hi Nal Hirsig,

How did you add the questionnaire in Canvas?


I added a questionaire to a Canvas site assignment using the External Tool submission type. When students take the questionaire, their responses are not available in the Canvas SpeedGrader. Where do I find the student responses?


BV52's picture

Hi Neal,

I'm afraid Questionnaire does not provide reports yet for H5P.com.
