Moodle grading & h5p xapi

Hi me again...

since I can see grades in moodle, I am wondering or better asking myself if and why I should use a LRS system to save xapi statements from h5p content.

In moodle I can see:

=> whole score / min score / max score / grade / which answer was submitted / score per question / timestamp of grading / if content was watched / if content was answered more than once

With xapi (e.g. interactive video with multiple choice) I can see afaik:

=>  whole score / min score / max score / if content was watched / time spent for activity / which answer was submitted / if content was answered

I know there are some more things I can read out with xapi such as name, email etc. but there not that relevant and moodle displays these things too. Can someone give me a clarification or some reasons if there is any need to use a lrs with xapi here?

Oh and maybe one other thing...does grading with h5p in moodle only work when selecting the moodle integrated interactive content element? I integraded a h5p element in a lesson but no grading there. Thanks for your help!

BV52's picture

Hi esor,

You don't need to install another plugin for Moodle since it already has a built in Gradebook. Installing a separate LRS may be needed if there is something else you need from the xAPI statements that are not available in the Gradebook. However you did mention that the data that the Gradebook provides is enough for you so in this situation you don't really need a separate plugin.


Okay thank you for the clarification ;)

it's been a while but I have another question and maybe here is someone who could help.

In the moodle gradebook I can see the given answers from the participants. I can see if someone did a h5p activity e.g. Interactive Video with a question in it and I can see the given answer. But if he does the activity again and answers differently, I can see the different grade but not the given answer (if there are more than 2 answers available).

My question now: do I need a lrs to track the answers?

BV52's picture

Hi esor,

The scores and the data such as answers should be overwritten. But you did mention that Moodle's gradebook keeps the first answer am I correct?


The gradebook saves the last given answers, so answers will be overwritten when a new grade of h5p activity comes in.

BV52's picture

Hi esor,

Thank you for clarifying that. Yes you are correct it does overwrite the previous answers. I'm not sure if it is possible if you use an LRS but if you are looking for one find something that catches every xAPI statements and creates a new entry for each.

You can also explore the possibility of signing up for since it already provides this feature.


Hi BV52, thank you very much for pointing me to

I signed up for a trial and tested it out with moodle, it works perfectly! Exactly what I wanted and I can see every attempt for a user with a detailed view of his answers. What I noticed was that the grades will be saved in the report but not in moodle. Do you know if there is an option to transfer the grades directly in moodle otherwise I will always look up in

BV52's picture

Hi esor,

Sorry for the late response. Yes you are correct the grades are saved in and there isn't a setting yet that sends it to the Gradebook.


Hi esor,

LRS can be a good idea, you can see all the details what you're getting with or moodle, you can get what users input in essay questions and you can compare all the data and answers of the previous attempts.

 - Saurabh

BV52's picture

Hi Saurabh,

Thank you for the input and you are correct the data is also sent to the Gradebook. I think when I was testing this I was using my admin account in Moodle which does not download scores/data into the Gradebook.


I know most of the people jumping here and there to test what they can track with WordPress + H5P + xAPI + LRS. Everyone who want to test H5P with WordPress and xAPI with LRS, you can test here: 

For all who want to test the same combination with LearnDash, try this: 

All the details are available on the page, also you can check data in Learning Record Store, Login details also present there.

Hope this could be of helpful for the community.

 - Saurabh

BV52's picture

Hi Saurabh,

Thank you for sharing this.
