H5P moodle not able to add content


I installed with success h5p plugin in moodle. But when i try to add an h5p content, the button to add and return to the lesson page is not accessible. It's still blue, but nothing happen. Any ideas ? Sorry, i'm french and my moddle is in french ;-) I have a pic to show the button...


BV52's picture

Hi yveskhordoc,

Have you tried clicking the "save and display" button? Does it do the same thing? If it does normally there is a field or two that is required that you need to fill up before you can save the content.

Can you try creating a True/False question it is the simplest content type with the least fields that needs to fill up.

If all fields are filled up and you still can't save the content can you plese check the browser console if there are any error messages.
