Will changes in H5P core content types be reflected in the local content types?

Dear H5P community,

I have a following question: will the changes in core H5P activities be automatically carried out and updated in the ones that have already been created on other platforms, let's say on Moodle ver. 3.6.3? 





BV52's picture

Hi Sabina,

You would have to update the libraries and update the content type cache. To do this first you need to update the library through the HUB and once you have done that you need to go to Site Administration -> Plugins -> Activity Modules -> H5P -> H5P Libraries and click on the "update the content type cache" button.


Thank you for the reply, BV!

I have a follow-up question: in case the libraries have been updated will it also automatically update the H5P activities that have been already created or the update will affect only future activities and not the ones that have already been created?



BV52's picture

Hi Sabina,

Good question! No, only the activities created after the update will use the new libraries. You have to click on the "update the content type cache" to update the contents prior to the library update.


Thanks BV!

When you say you have to click on the "update the content type cache" to update the contents prior to the library update.” , do you mean at the system level or in each activity?

Thanks again,




BV52's picture

Hi Sabina,

Sorry I have to correct my previous statement.

To update an older content you need to go to Site Administration -> Plugins -> Activity Modules -> H5P -> H5P libraries and click on the arrow to the right side of the content (screenshot attached). This will give you an option to which library version you want to update it to. By doing this all content types created prior to updating the content type in the HUB will use the new libraries.

You will notice on the screenshot that there are two versions of Course Presentation an older version 1.20.4 and the newer version 1.21.2. By clicking on the arrow to the right of the older version it will give you the option to use the llibrary of the newer version of Course Presentation. You need to do this for all content types that uses the older libraries not for each content that was created. Furthermore if you edit an old content it will automatically use the newer libraries.

I hope this helps and if you have any further questions feel free to comment on this thread.