Since latest update 1.15.0 - File type isn't allowed.

Helen Hartley's picture

Hi, Folks, I have just updated the H5P plugin and now it is not letting me upload jpg or png files. 

I started developing the content and had 3 slides done - beautiful! went back to edit and add more slide and when I uploaded the image I got this and have continued to get this message- File type isn't allowed. - as previously stated they are only jpg or png image

I am also working on another site have not updated the plugin and it works just fine. Whats happened?

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you, H

BV52's picture

Hi H,

Would you mind providing the following:

  1. Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.
  2. Sample file that you are trying to upload
