Games (Totara)


Which game is suitable for a word list? We have in Totara the Crossword, Cryptex, Hangman, Hidden Picture, Millionaire , Snakes and Ladders and Sudoku. We want to use a word list to pick up the words and translate. From English to Dutch or from Dutch to English.
Thank you for your answer

BV52's picture

Hi HRMopleidingen,

There are several content types that you can use for translation activities. On top of my head you can use Fill in the Blanks, Drag the Words, Flash Cards or even Speak the Words. There are also some compound content types the at lets you combine different activities like Course Presentation or Column. In truly depends on how you would like to present your activities. You can also head over to the Examples page for the list of contents that you can create. There is also some basic tutorials for creating contents.



Thank you for your answer en advices!
