What can I do if my file that I want to use is too big (131 MB) and when I want to upload this file it says that it is too big.

Please help...

BV52's picture

Hi jakobpn,

If you are uploading the file in you can't the file upload limit accross the site is 16 MB. However if you are using the plugin through Drupal, Wordpress or Moodle you need to configure your PHP.ini file, you can read this documentation for more details.


So how can i open a h5p file that is 133 mb big? Is there any application or something?

otacke's picture

Hi Jakob!

Where do you want to use it? Here on Your own server running Drupal, WordPress, moodle, etc.? Someone else's server?


Hi, im new at this and i d9nt care where i will use it, just i want to open that file, here on i cant open it cause its too big... 

BV52's picture

Hi Jakob, is a test site and because of these there are a lot of limitations one of these would be the size of files that can be uploaded. Site wide the limit is 16MB. So that you can use the file that you have you need to install the H5P plugin in Moodle, Drupal or Wordpress.


otacke's picture

Hi Jakob!

If you just need a peek, then might do, but I am not sure what the upload limit is. Alternatively, you could install on a desktop computer.

May I ask how you got the file in the first place? It's kind of an uncommon case that someone received an H5P file that he/she'd want to open.



my teacher gave me that file and i downloaded it on my computer and now im searching for a site or something to open it ...

otacke's picture

Hi Jakob!

I see. To me, it feels kind of strange for a teacher to hand over H5P files without further instructions. Doesn't he/she run that content somewhere online (as it is supposed to be)? Feel free to send her/him here if he/she thinks not providing a suitable host environment is a good approach.

Anyway, I bet your best bet is LUMI then (



Teacher gave us this file in his e-classrom and i donwloaded and saved the file and now i want to open it by myself but i cant do it haha... i tried on lumi but file is too big

otacke's picture

Hi Jakob!

I am sure the LUMI guys could help you sort that out, but it seems you'd have to set up a (local) webserver then. Back to square one and BV's post:



BV52's picture

Hi Jakob,

I didn't know that the Lumi software had a limit to uploading. I agree with Oliver you can contact Lumi and check with them if they can upgrade their software to accomodate bigger files. You can also try my suggestion by installing WAMP/MAMP (dependding on your OS) then install Wordpress, Drupal or Moodle then use the H5P plugin. Please note that in most cases you need to adjust the upload limit steps are on the link I posted in my first reply.