just 3 of 17 Libraries can be used



our moodle-System has 17 Libraries for h5p installed but in courses only three of them can be used.

in the plugin adminstration are also just three checkboxes for restirction of the libraries.

what can I do?

otacke's picture


Not every library is a content type that can be run. Some are auxiliary libraries just used by content type libraries. Without you listing the libraries it's impossible to tell whether that's the correct explanation or there's something else going on.



Here is our library library ;-)


otacke's picture

Hi mszabo!

My previous answer holds. You have three content type libraries that use a couple of auxiliary libraries which are not content types and cannot/needn't be restricted.


BV52's picture

Hi mszabo,

Just to add to this. You only have 3 content types installed Fill in the Blanks, Image Hotspot and Multiple Choice Questions. All other libraries as Oliver mentioned are auxiliary libraries in other words they are there so that those content types will work. They are also used by other content types and they are created so that when creating/editing content types redundant codes need not be edited or added. If you need to add content types you just need to click on 'get' buttion in the H5P Hub.