Hide other libraries from H5p Editor , I have to show only personality and question set.


Hide other libraries from H5p Editor , I have to show only personality and question set.


How can I do this I just need to show Personality Quiz and question set quiz 


Remaining I don't want to display.


Please provide the solution for this.

BV52's picture

Hi mohitbansal623,

This should be possible if you go to H5Ps settings. Please note that hiding them will only be possible for authors not for admins.


Is it possible there.

BV52's picture

Hi mohitbansal623,

Yet it should be. If you go to content then H5P Libraries you should be able to see the list.


But the problem there is all are disabled in actions. Some are enable and after removing them they are still visible in editor.

BV52's picture

Hi mohitbansal623,

If you are loggerd in as an administrator you will still see all the contents. This provides the administrators the ability to easily update or download new content types.