Interactive Video & Course Presentation Not Loading in Wordpress

mediablast's picture

I installed the WordPress plugin and enabled H5P Hub.

When I select the Interactive Video  I get the " Loading Please Wait" with the spinning arrow of doom. 


Also when selecting the Course Presenter,  the Course presentation content displayed as [field:group:coursepresentation:presentation]

BV52's picture

Hi mediablast,

Please provide the following:

  1. Any browser console errors
  2. Any PHP errors


mediablast's picture

I installed the wp log view and found no errors.  There are errors on the browser console.  I had my hosting platform increase the upload max.

mediablast's picture

I created a clean wordpress installation.   I downloaded the h5p plugin from  I uploaded the zip file and activated it.  Both the interactive video and the course presentation are working.   

BV52's picture

Hi mediablast,

I'm glad it is working now. If you have further questions feel free to post in the forums.


i also got this problem right now.  i'm using Moodle version 3.3.4 and h5p plugin version 1.20 

Please advise and thank you