How to search for existing content

imps's picture


I see that when you publish content in it states that it is publicly available. Does this mean publicly searchable on the internet? If so, how can I search for content created by others using as opposed to



[email protected]
Learning Designer
Innovative Media Production Studio
Charles Darwin University, Australia

BV52's picture

Hi Karin,

You might have seen the message that the content is publicly available in since all contents created on this site is public. On the other hand you have control over the publishing settings in You have 3 choices: 
  1. Unpublished - only the author and administrators have access to the content.
  2. Published - Authors and administrators have access to the content and it can be inserted into an LMS. In your case Blackboard Ultra.
  3. Public - Can be accessed by anyone in the internet and can be inserted into an LMS.
In terms of searching the only sure way of finding a content is if you know the title of the content and adding your search. Please note that if you publish a content publicly it is not available to be search immediately. It takes some time before search engines' web crawlers goes through websites. -BV