Embedding on external site not working, kind of.

Hi, trying to embed from one wordpress site to another and it is not really working, well it embeds but the iframe is collapsed. 

Is there something you need to do in order to embed from a wordpress site onto another site? Looking at admin-ajax.php there is some code that links to files with just the path i.e <link rel="stylesheet" href="/wp-content/uploads/h5p/cachedassets/..... css and <script src="/wp-content/uploads/h5p/cachedassets/.... .js





BV52's picture


Have you tried using the built in embed feature of H5P contents? If so could you provide a more detailed description of the issue. A screenshot would also help as well as errors in the browser console (if there is any).


Replicas of the same page. working one is the site where the plugin is installed.

not working : https://bit.ly/2ySUgne
working : https://bit.ly/2zw6MJt

not working : https://bit.ly/2ySUgne
working : https://bit.ly/2zw6MJt

Both replicas of same page, working one is the one with the plugin installed. Same result if it is embedded in an actual wordpress page on that url. Put it there so to try and trial and error and all I can come up with is the path is obviously broken as I posted above.

otacke's picture


My best guess: Could you try to use a browser that accepts third party cookies or check/change your settings?

If I am correct: At some point, H5P content will try to retrieve data from the browser's local storage, and there's a bug that occurs when that happens across domains and third party cookies are denied. There's also a fix, but I assume that the H5P core doesn't have had time to implement it.


Ah you are correct! it was my browser all the time, wife tried it but she also uses the same browser (brave browser) and if I turn off the sheild that is built into brave it works. Thanks.

otacke's picture


Naaa, Brave is fine. I use it myself. It's just very strict when interpreting privacy related protocols and because other browsers are not (yet), the bug doesn't occur when using those - but it's a bug in H5P nevertheless.

