Timeline missing

There is no content type timeline anymore. Does anybody know, why?


otacke's picture

Hi schwalbe!

To ensure that people use H5P.org only for trying out H5P (the server has got more traffic than it can handle lately -- just reminding you of the warnings when you create content, embed content and view the content) they are experimenting with which content types should be available here.

Check out the getting started page for information on how you can use all the content types and use H5P for real. The H5P core team unfortunately is not able to provide free hosting, only free software :-)



Thanks! That helps a lot – I don't expect free hosting, was just wondering, where it is and wanted to try the timeline before creating a full account, but I don't mind to do this...


otacke's picture

Hi schwalbe!

It was a canned reply because many people ask this question and I think it's fair to mention why the number of options has been reduced.

If you want to try all content types (and are from Germany as schwalbe suggests), you could also try https://einstiegh5p.de where you can try out more than the official content types in German without the need to register - but contents will only be stored for 6 hours.
