Creating submittable text boxes inside of quizzes

I'm wanting to create a text box which students can fill in as part of a quiz, something like Essay? Does anyone know if and how this can be done using  the H5P plugin through Moodle? Thanks so much.

BV52's picture

Hi kimsaralakin,

Essay is availabel in the H5P plugin for Moodle or do you need something different? Would you mind elaborating.


This is once I am using a Quiz or Interactive Video. I want to include the ability for a student to write in a text box and submit, but there isn't the Essay option.

This is when I am already using Quiz or Interactive video. I want a student to be able to enter text into a text box and submit, but there isn't the Essay option available, only Drag and Drop, etc.

This is when I am using the Quiz or Interactive Video options. I want a student to be able to enter text in a text box and submit, but there isn't the Essay option, only Drag and Drop and the like.

BV52's picture

Hi kimsaralakin,

Essay was recently added in Quiz (Question Set) so updating this content type should let you use Essay. As for Interactive Video you can use the Free text option.


Could you tell me whereabouts the Free text option is please?

BV52's picture

Hi kimsaralakin,

It should be in the more option menu (3 dots icon) just to the left of the 'paste' icon.