Content types on D6 not working

Hi, I'm having two problems with the content types on D6

1- When I try to install some content types like "Drag the word" or "Fill in the blanks" I get this error:

  • The library "H5P.MarkTheWords" requires H5P 1.6, but only H5P 1.5 is installed.
  • The library "H5P.Question" requires H5P 1.6, but only H5P 1.5 is installed.
  • The uploaded file was not a valid H5P package


2- I was able to install the "Image Hotspot" and the "Timeline". The timeline doesn't appear at all an the Image Hotspot loads the image an the hotspots but when I click on the spots nothing appears.

I assume this is beacause the content types were created for the D7 version, is there a way I can get it to work on D6?

Or if maybe you are planning to release a new version for D6?





falcon's picture

To be honest the core team would normally have abandoned D6 since we have very few users there, but our biggest sponsor uses D6 so it is updated when they update. I think they plan to update to the January release in February so a D6 release should arrive in February.

I'll keep monitoring the module, hopefully it will get updated on February
