Customizing interactive video library javascript


I am trying to find the best way to alter/replace a specific function within the interactive.js file within the interactive video library without having to edit the library itself, which will get written over on the next plugin update. I am able to add additional options to the goto clickable widget via the wordpress h5pmods_alter_semantics filter on the semantics file within the interactive video library. I would like to be able to change the "makeInteractionGotoClickable" function specifically. I am able to load my custom scripts with the filter h5pmods_alter_scripts, but I just don't know how to go about this the best way. Any advice would be great, thanks!

otacke's picture

Hi jwidener!

That may be quite tricky, because I assume that a) it's a private function, b) the source code is built and run through a minimizer, and c) interactions can be rebuilt on runtime.
