H5P Standalone Editor
Submitted by lipp on Sat, 02/29/2020 - 15:44
we are developing a free and open Software that bundles different tools for teachers.
Our first tool is an H5P-Standalone Editor that runs as an app on Windows and macOS.
If you are interested you can download it at http://Lumi.education
Feedback and Support are very appreciated. :)
Mon, 03/02/2020 - 16:56
Hi lipp,Thank you for
Hi lipp,
Thank you for creating this and sharing it with the community.
Fri, 09/25/2020 - 03:33
Exactly What We Needed!
I am su[pporting a higher ed worksho[ where they would like participants just to practice creating H5P content without having to log in anywhere, this exactly fits the bill. How solid is this app? I've done some quick testing, and it seems like its viable. Is it based on the current version of H5P?
This is fantastic, thanks
Fri, 09/25/2020 - 09:43
Hi Alan!It's a pretty neat
Hi Alan!
It's a pretty neat solution based on a port of the H5P core to node.js. It is not 100 % complete yet, and I don't know how long it will take to update this port whenever an update to the H5P core is released. Apart from that, it seems to be a very solid solution.
If you want to even avoid installing something, you could use https://einstiegh5p.de which was specifically designed for trying out H5P without installing anything or logging in somewhere - content is deleted automatically after six hours. Downside: It's in German. But if you or someone else wants to set up something similar yourself, I am sure that Nele who is running that site will share instructions.
Mon, 09/28/2020 - 18:23
Thanks Oliver!
Yes, thanks for letting me know about Lumi.education, it fits a need for my colleagues where they want to challenge people to do quick H5P creations not necessarily publish them. (I saw Lumi.run in their twitter stream, but it's generating a console error on script permissions).
Also thanks for the other site, that might be of interest too (and small internet world, I've interacted often with Nele; she translared my pechaflickr app/site into a german version, she's quite amazing
Mon, 09/28/2020 - 22:21
Hi Alan!Nele definitely is
Hi Alan!
Nele definitely is!