2 notes about "Summary" and "Drag text" activities [SOLVED]

Hello !

First of all, thank you for developping such a great content creator ! These activities are going to make my teaching a lot more effective.

I am testing H5P as a wordpress plugin to see if I can make it work the way I'd like for my students. I've created some activities and embedded them in WP posts. Here are a few troubles that I've experienced. Sorry for my english, I'm french and not confortable with technical terms :

1) I've created an activity using the "Summary" content type. It was working perfectly until I ticked a checkbox in H5P plugin settings : the one that allows users to pick up the exercise where they left it off by saving their scores. If this setting is unchecked, the Summary activity works fine ; if checked, the activity no longer works (see attached screen). I've tried several times to check and uncheck this checkbox to make sure.

2) I've also created an activity using the "Drag text" content type. It is working perfectly but I've noticed that there is something weird about the CSS of this activity, compared to the other ones : the fonts used in the Worpress theme settings are not inherited in this type of content whereas they are in the other H5P types of content (see attached screen : 2 H5P activities are displayed, the second one has perfect styling, the first one doesn't).

I hope that this is helpful and that you'll find a fix ;)



falcon's picture

Thank you for reporting. I'm happy to learn that you like H5P. I have opened at ticket for the first bug, and we will get back to you on that. Regarding the second problem it is because the drag text content type is run in an iframe that blocks out the css of your site. The reason for this is that we risk that it won't work at all if affected by css that we have no control over.

In the future it will be possible for authors to choose between div or iframe embedding. At the moment you may add your own styles to the different content types.


Many thanks for taking the time to answer and explain in details ! I'm glad that I could help a bit...

For the second point, I've followed your advice and added my font, its color and size in the H5P main CSS. These are the only changes I made ; hopefully they wong break everything else. Of course, it will be really nice if it is possible for authors to choose div instead of iframe in the future. But in the meantime, altering the CSS is not too difficult...

By the way, I've stumbled upon your maybe-soon-to-be-released(?)-hangman game : my younger students are going to loooove this ! ;)

falcon's picture

My hangman game? I know someone is working on one, where did you see it? :)

By the way there is a cleaner way to change the css without changing the official code. The changes you know have made will off course have to be repeated next time you update.

Hi ! Thanks for pointing out the "cleaner way" to alter the H5P main CSS. I saw this tutorial but this is far too complex for me. I know CSS a bit and that's about it ;) I've written down somewhere a list of the minor changes that I've made so that I can repeat them in the next update.

I hope that I'm not in trouble for snooping around in the H5P Labs where I found out about the Hangman game ? ;)

falcon's picture

Ah, it is there, in the labs :) It might not be released. The guy working on it is not a part of the core team and I don't know if he will be finishing it or if it will end as a lab project :)
icc's picture

1) Has been fixed in 000727d and will be part of the next release.

Thank you for reporting!

Thanks ! This is great news ;)