Interactive content with several criteria

Hi! I'm an instructional designer at a community college. One of our faculty is trying to create an interaction for a public speaking course. Here is what she wants:

  • Each student receives a different prompt from the other students.
  • With a time limit, students outline and deliver a speech, but it should not be recorded in any way.
  • After the time limit is up, students are prompted right away to answer affective questions about the speech they gave.

If anyone has an idea about this, I would love to hear it. It needs to be time based and allow for randomization so that each student has a different prompt (there are about 20 students in the course).

Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for your suggestions.



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Hi Janelle,

I'm afraid that there are no content types that can create the activity you mentioned. However H5P is open sourced so there are a few things that you can do:

  1. If know how to develop you can create the content type yourself. These documentations might help.
  2. You can also help in organizing (crowd) funding for development of the content type.