Agamotto Moodle too big

My first attempt with h5p is an Agamotto in Moodle 3.9 but the images are exapanded and the result is too big on screen. Is there any way to control the frame size? I've tried with Iframe but doesnt work. Thank you and sorry for my English

otacke's picture


This is not a problem specific to Agamotto, but to H5P in general. It always uses the maximum width that your platform's theme allows. If you want to limit the width, you can simply amend your theme's CSS to limit the width of H5P iframes.

Something such as

.h5p-iframe-wrapper {
  max-width: 50%;

should work for both, the H5P plugin for moodle and moodle's core integration of H5P.



klwilcoxon's picture

Hi otake -

1) WHen I create a h5p in Lumi, I cannot modify the CSS. Since Moodle will only upload the h5p file and not an HTML folder, I guess this means I can only modify the CSS inside Moodle. Where to find the CSS?

2) When I switch to student view on a h5p activity within Moodle, the activity stays a manageable size AS LONG AS the sidebar is showing. Are students able to show and hide the sidebar on their own? Can the designer require the sidebar be showing? I did research this and could find nothing.


otacke's picture

Hi Kevin!

Yes, Lumi doesn't allow to override the CSS (might only become a viable option when exporting to HTML).

For the H5P plugin, you should check If you're using the moodle core integration, then I think there's some extra configuration field somewhere where you can add custom CSS.

I assume you're referring to some moodle side bar - you'll have to ask someone who has more experience with moodle than I do.



klwilcoxon's picture

Thanks Oliver. I'll gie it a try.