Requesting auto H5P activity listing with meta data


Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if there's a way to list all the h5p activity listings with its metadata (rather or not, it has a score and other details)? Perhaps there's an API that I can call or a static list of all activities somewhere? Basically metadata of all the activity and future activities so I can auto-read that file, URL or API, and save it in a DB or a file.

Thanks in advance!

cogdog's picture

I'm looking for this to, working with some grant funded projects where H5P is published in WordPress- we would like to generate a report to know if all H5P content has metadata entered. 

otacke's picture

Hi all!

Basically, everything is stored in one database table. The metadata of the (main) content stored in separate fields, the metadata of subcontent is stored within the json structure inside the parameters field. Should not be very complicated to retrieve it if you want to.

