H5P for Django

I am developing H5P support for Django.

This will include an H5P starter application that builds on Pinax accounts to store H5P data associated with user progress. Admins will be able to upload and edit H5P content.

I have not seen any existing implementation of H5P with Django. I hope this will be helpful to the community.

tomaj's picture

That's awesome! Django is a very cool framework! :)

I see this post was done some time ago and was wondering if any progress had been made or if it was dropped.  Google gives me this post and that is it for django and h5p.  Either way, if someone happens across this post and know if there is a project for django and h5p please post a comment with any details. Thanks.

Work in progress! Using h5p-standalone javascript based runtime.


This allows upload of an H5P zip package and display based on the content.

TODO: Track xapi calls, enable editor, track h5p-standalone so it doesn't have to be embedded.

I haven't had a project or time to complete this work but it is very possible.