Since the 5 April update : "All H5P activities" page is incomplete [SOLVED]

Hello !

Since the last update (5 april), there is something wrong with the "All H5P activities" page : only 1 page of created content is displayed although there should be 2 in my case. Many contents that I have created are not listed here :

If I activate a filter, then all activities in this filter are displayed :

The same issue can be found when I try to insert H5P activities in a WP post : only the first page with the most recent created content is displayed ; I can't access to the oldest created content even though I need it :

How can I fix this ? Thanks for your help ! 



icc's picture

It appears a bug had found its way into the content list when the tagging system was implemented. The issue has been fixed in commit b3f38bc and a new version of the plugin will be released shortly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the update and the upcoming fix. I was afraid that I did something wrong during the latest upgrade...

falcon's picture

It should be fixed now. Does it work for you? Did you get the t-shirt by the way?

Yes indeed it works since I upgraded ;) By the way, the "insert H5P content by slug" (instead of id) option is really nice and effective !
I didn't get the tee-shirt yet but french postal services are really bad so maybe this is why... I'll let you know when I get it ;)

falcon's picture

Superb! I think the tee-shirt was sent April 1st.