images not appearing

Hello - I was using the LUMI app to develop a course presentation H5P, then saved it to my computer and uploaded it to a moodle site. However, the images do not transfer.  None of them appeared when I upladed the H5P file (course presentation).  Any idea why?

BV52's picture

Hi akask,

I tested this with the latest version of Lumi and it seems to be working as expected. I would suggest that you reach out to Lumi's support, you can find their contact information on their site. Furthermore Sebastian one of the developers of Lumi frequents the forum so you might hear from him as well.



Thank you BV! I have the LUMI version; I notice that on my LUMI app in the top right corner, it says "update". But I'm not sure how to update it. Do I need to redownload it from the LUMIeducation site? The "update" word is not clickable.

BV52's picture

Hi akask,

If I'm not mistaken this is the latest version, actually V is the version that I used to this issue.


OK - thank you for checking. I'm not sure what happened with my images then. Oh well. Onward. Have a good day. 

serettig's picture


I'm one of the Lumi developers. Can you please send the .h5p file to [email protected] and I'll check what's wrong.
