H5P.org resources switch to H5P.com


I have an account on h5p.com as well as on h5p.org.  Some of the features you have highlighted in the Examples and downloads display aren't available on the h5p.com site. However, when I click on the one that I want on the  .org site, the message of its availability on the .com site is shown, once I register for the 30-day trial; but I already have a registered account.  I would like to know how to get the features to use such as the Find the Word, Essay and a few more that are shown on the .org site? 

BV52's picture

Hi Zaida,

Some content types are not enabled by default in H5P.com. To enable them you need to go to Manage Organization -> Settings -> Content type settings. 

There are also some content types that are not available at all in H5P.com. Below is the complete list and the reasons why:





Thank you for your feedback. Useful to know. 

I have another query. 

When I created a Drag and Drop using images, there was the option to set the text to hover over the image, which I did. 

However, it can be seen well on my laptop, but on my phone, when I access the activity, of course, the images would be smaller, but the hover text option isn't working. So, the user cannot understand what he/she is reading since the text is tiny. How come this is happening?

Would appreciate your explanation based on this problem, please. 

