

good morning


I wish to know if I can use H5P with chamilo?

chamilo is the same as moodle, but you do not have h5p plugin for chamilo.

May I have a standalone installation with the directory via FTP?


thanks a lot

To integrate H5P as a LTI activity in Chamilo 1.11.16, go to Administration -> Plugins -> check the IMS/LTI plugin -> Activate selected plugins -> Click on the "Configure" button for that plugin -> Enable: "Yes" and save -> Return to the list of plugins -> Click the "Regions" button for that plugin and select the "menu_administrator" region -> Return to the Administration page and search for the "IMS/LTI" link in the "Plugins" block -> "Add external tool" and fill the form with the H5P data. This whole process is only needed once. Once this is done, go to any course -> Settings -> IMS/LTI and enable the H5P tool insisde your course. It will appear as a new tool icon on your course homepage.