Drag and Drop

I am using the Drag and Drop feature, however, I have noticed that whenever you select a text and hover it over a box, the correct box will highlight before you have even dropped the text inside. This alerts the student to the correct answer without them having to work it out. I have tried setting the box highlight in behavioural settings to 'never', however, this does not make a difference. Is there any way to make it so that the drop zone doesn't highlight when the matching text is hovered over it?

Drag and Drop
BV52's picture

Hi biancaguglietti,

The most likely reason is that there is a step that you skipped when creating the content. Please follow the steps below when creating a Drag & Drop activity with multiple drop zones and multiple draggables:

  1. Create the drop zones

  2. Create the draggables and place a check on the drop zones you would want the draggable to be dragged into (in most cases all the dropzones). This does not indicate the correct answer but only tells the content where you want to allow the draggable to be dropped.

  3. Edit each drop zone to place a check on the correct draggables.

You can also check this simple video on how to create a D&D with multiple drop zones and draggables.