Formules mathématiques


Comment intégrer à lumi education vesion bureau la bibliothéque qui permet d'écrire des formules mathématiques? Merci

"Good morning,

How to integrate into lumi education desktop version the library which allows to write mathematical formulas? THANKS"

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BV52's picture

Hi najoumhiri,

I suggest that you reach out to Lumi's support. You can find their contact information through their website. The people that develop Lumi also frequents the forums so they may also provide the answer here.


otacke's picture

It's done the same way as in other H5P integrations. Lumi's library admin page can be opened using the cog button in the upper right-hand corner.

Merci, j'ai integré Mathdisplay à la bibilothéque de lumi Desktop et les formules mathématiques ça fonctionne.

"mathematical formulas

Thank you, I integrated Mathdisplay into the lumi Desktop library and the mathematical formulas work."

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