

i can not see toolbar for add interaction for creating a interactiv video into Moodle plug-in. Does anybody know why?

Thanks a lot

falcon's picture

Hi, could you please describe what you're doing in more detail, what Moodle plugin version you are using, where you expect to see an option for creating interactive video.

Thanks :)

I am using Development version of moodle - Plug-in version 2016051302. There is an option to put interactiv video into your course. I can put interative video into the course but i can not add interactiv features into the video. There is no toolbar in top of video for creating interactiv features...


falcon's picture

Ah, ok :) Thanks! Are there any JavaScript error messages in your console? (CTRL + SHIFT + J)

There are 2 messages:

downloadable font: download failed (font-family: "H5PFontAwesome4" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1): status=2147746065 source: modedit.php:4:14

downloadable font: OS/2: bad linegap: -64 (font-family: "H5PInteractiveVideo" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1) source:

Thank you

falcon's picture

Ok, I don't think those font problems alone caused this. Will ask one of the Moodle guys to have a look here.

Thanks a lot :)

icc's picture

The missing font file has been fixed and the 404 should go away the next time you update your content types.

The second error is due to changes in how Firefox process woff font files. To fix this issue we would have to recreate our fonts. This is a bit time consuming and hasn't been prioritized as the error doesn't really break anything, i.e. all the icons in Interactive Video should work without issue.