Include portion of YouTube video (longer than 60s)

Has anyone found a way to link to a portion of YouTube video, including a specific start and end time? I know that you can create a URL to start a video at a specific time, or a clip of a video with a maximum length of 60s. I'd like to include longer clips, and ideally would like to embed the YouTube clip so the channel gets the views. Any help would be appreciated!

otacke's picture

H5P cannot use the URL API with its possibilities, but needs to use YouTube's Player API with a different feature set.

All what you have mentioned is doable. 

Regarding H5P, you have to use the "Iframe Embedder" as a content type. Note that the complete video will be embedded, but whenever you click start only the specified time will be played. Once the clip is done, the video will stop, the replay button will appear, and some other video adds will appear. However, since you are embedding this and giving credit to the original creator, the viewer has the right to watch parts of the video that are not designated in the clip. Viewers are allowed to move the video to a certain time using the timeline.

Now how to get the correct URL, once you choose your video click on share, then click on embed, then enable "start at" and type the time you want your video to start at, even if it was at 0 seconds. Then look at the code and copy the code that is written between brackets and starts with https. This code will allow your video to start at the time you set, you still need to add the stop time, so add at the end of your link the following &end=89
89 is just an example, replace it by any number you want. But pay attention that the time you enter must be in seconds, so here 89 seconds mean 1:29 And this how you will get the source link you need to use.
If you want to double-check the link, before actually adding to the H5P activity, paste this link in any web browser and the video should play as for the designated time.

Here is an example for you.
This is the link of the original video I found on YouTube
And here is the link of the same video with specific time

Thank you! I had gotten this approach to work, but unfortunately it doesn't seem that the iframe embedder can be put into a course presentation. If you know of a way to do that, please share!

You are right, you cannot add the iframe embedder into a course presentation. Within a course presentation, you have two options, video related. (1) add video, and you cannot customize the start of the end, but it still gives credit to the YouTube channel. (2) add an interactive video (no need to add questions), you can decide at what time the video start, but you cannot customize the end time. And this method also respects intellectual property.