How to add image slider and info for custom content
Submitted by Kiran Yellu on Thu, 11/30/2023 - 06:56
Hi Team,
We have created custom content with using of H5P packages. When I try to open our custom content in moodle I can't see my content info even If add description in the library.json file.How to add image slider, I just would like to tell before use our content like image slider with demo images.
I have attached example image below same like that when click on details button then I want to sh info and images slider for our content.
Can you please guide me to where add those info and sliders for demo purpose before use it.
Kiran yellu
H5P file:
Thu, 11/30/2023 - 20:47
That information is not
That information is not gathered locally, but from the H5P Hub server. You will need to ask the H5P core to put your content type onto the H5P Hub or modify your H5P integration's database.