File "H5P.GreetingCard/language/" not allowed


Hello everyone,

I'm new to H5P library development.

I deploy the generated libraries on the ILIAS LMS via H5P plugin. It works perfectly with standard libraries.

So I've decided to start developing my own libraries!
To start with, I took an interest in the "Hello Word" tutorials provided on the site. I succeeded in the first step, "Greetin Card". It works.

But when I start the second step with adding the translation I get the following error:

"File "H5P.GreetingCard/language/" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: json png jpg jpeg gif bmp tif tiff svg eot ttf woff woff2 otf webm mp4 ogg mp3 m4a wav txt pdf rtf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx odt ods odp xml csv diff patch swf md textile vtt webvtt gltf glb js css."

I'm looking but I can't figure out what the problem is.

  • Does anyone know the source of the problem?
  • Is there an H5P patch file that I can compare with my design?

Thanks for your help.

All the best,


otacke's picture

You should not zip files manually, but use the H5P CLI tool for packing libraries.

If you prefer zipping manually, you need to add required flags -D (do not add directory entries) and -X (eXclude eXtra file attributes), e.g. as

zip -rDX myNewFile.h5p *