Missing main library library_name version


Github: https://github.com/JamesVaChao/my-h5p-content/tree/master

Trying to make a custom h5p content.

I can run the component locally in my dev environment:


However, when I try to export as .h5p and upload the content to h5phub with the end goal to import it into my learning management software (Brightspace), I get the following error:



With H5P.SocraticMethod being the custom content type I'm trying to build. Do I need to get something approved? When I view the .h5p, it has the required folder and looks correct so I'm not sure why it thinks it's missing:

Link to .h5p bundle I exported locally:


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

BV52's picture

Hi  jamesvachao,

I assume that you are using H5P.com to host your contents in Brightspace. If so, you cannot upload any custom contents in H5P.com. The servers will not allow any user to install new/custom libraries in H5P.com. This is to make sure that all contents accross H5P.com servers are uniform and have been checked and tested.


Is there a way to mimic my h5p content in Brightspace without having to make it public/published on h5p.com?

We're trying to access information thats specific to Brightspace from within the h5p content. For instance using Brightspace APIs to get the current user which would require the h5p content to exist within a Brightspace course.


BV52's picture

Hi jamesvachao,

Unfortunately this is not possible. The only you will be able to use this custom content in Brtightspace is for you to host the content somewhere else and then embed it into Brightspace.