Fill in the blanks automatic answer checking

Ubutnu 32 bit - firefox (up to date)

Fill in the blanks automatic answer checking doesn't work. I typed in the right answer but nothing happened.

Timothy Lim's picture

Hi, could you share a few details on what you tried? 

Did you try it on or are you testing it locally? What did you set the answer to?


I did it on the H5P website. I figured out this issue. When the text field has the focus, it will not check the answer. As soon as the text field loses focus then it will check the answer.

Oslo is the captial of *Norway* <----- If you type Norway into the field then nothing happens. But if you type Norway into the field and then click somewhere else on the page, it checks the answer. Or you can push the tab button. This is odd functionality. The point of removing the check answer button is to ensure that you get immidiate gratification once you have typed the right answer.

Conclusion: Not a bug, just a funny functionality.

Timothy Lim's picture

Yeah it's a bit strange. I am assuming that there isn't a way to know that someone has finished their answer so it assumes that change of focus implies that the user is done with that question. 

To solve this issue, it can check the answer after the user has inputed a letter. For example:

N <---- Checks but not the right answer - No comfirmation given.

No <---- Checks but not the right answer - No comfirmation given.

Nor <---- Checks but not the right answer - No comfirmation given.

Norw <---- Checks but not the right answer - No comfirmation given.

Norwa <---- Checks but not the right answer - No comfirmation given.

Norway <---- Checks and finds the right answer.

The user would be able to keep trying until they get the right answer.

Timothy Lim's picture

Good idea. I've put it as a feature request: